

Monday, July 21, 2008

Motivational poster

This one is for Geoff ...


  1. OMG I love it! It's so true, I actually had my SAD light out this weekend hoping it would make me feel better. Can I copy this and put it on my blog if I give you credit?

  2. And that is why I will never be living in Alaska.
    Well, that and the fact that you get a lot of snow.
    But I sure do enjoy reading the stories of your life there.

  3. I just laughed SO hard. Oh my god.

    I don't think I've ever commented on your blog... I'm a Juneau girl- born and raised, who now lives and rides bikes in Seattle. But I love your blog! And this really hit home. Mind if I repost it with credit?

  4. Oh boy...what have I gotten myself into!?

  5. Come on Jill, snap out of it!
    The photo in your previous post is the first one I've seen without you smiling.

    Nigity - "Always keep a smile in your heart."

  6. Perhaps we should bottle up some sunshine and send it your way. Would a tanning booth help?

  7. Hehehe. I might have to rip off your most excellent idea and do something like it for Mackenzie. Brrrrrr! We're expecting frost tonight. Feels like October right now.

  8. Elizabeth and Renai ...

    By all means pass it on! I knew the Juneau crowd would get it. That was my stroke of inspiration while I was being pelted with snain at about 3,000 feet up Mount Jumbo this morning.

    Karen ... Don't worry. You're moving to Anchorage. My friends in Anchorage have been a bit complainy about the weather over there this summer, but I bet they've at least seen the sun sometime in July.

  9. Jill, Love your writing and sense of humor! Especially love the word "Snain!" Keep up the great Blog.

  10. Jill,
    Everything is a matter of perspective. Here in Dallas yesterday it was 102, it was 96 at 10 pm. The forcast for the next week is 100+ everyday. We have had about 10 minutes of meaningful rain in the last 6 weeks. As tired of the weather as you are just perservere.

  11. Put that dump in the rearview!

  12. Yeah, we had two sun-filled days in July in southcentral AK, I think. It peeks out from time to time, otherwise. It's 55 degrees and rainy/cloudy now. I am definetly charging up my SAD visor light today. It was hard to believe I was feeling so bad in the middle of the summer! But it still beats ice underfoot and temps close to zero for days on I will take summer anyway it comes.


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