Mileage: 76.2 and 39.1
April mileage: 214.9
Temperature upon departure: 36 and 37
We’ve had a fairly rainy weekend in Juneau, just in time to coincide with my efforts to log more hours on the bike. Right now I want to log miles for the sake of logging miles, to spend that time with my butt in the saddle and heavy weight hanging off my back so I can become reacquainted with the pressure and flow. When it rains the whole time, like it did on Sunday, the ride becomes one of those “put your head down and pedal” kind of rides. Or, as I like to think of it, “five hours of looking at wet pavement.”
One would think that such a ride would be unbearably dull, maddening even, but I never feel that way. The whirring wheel and fountains of rainwater put me in a meditative place, a place where I truly feel like I have room to think ... think openly, that is, not necessarily deeply. Between a high heart rate, focus on cadence and hours worth of fatigue, I’m certainly not composing any sonnets in my head. What I do most often is replay random memories from the past, often events or conversations I haven’t thought of in years. It’s like watching vaguely familiar television reruns through a haze of insomnia. Amid the sleepiness and indifference, the most mundane moments shine through with startling clarity.

I was about 22 miles into the ride when a stranger pulled up behind me.
“Mind if I ride with you for a bit?” the man asked. I couldn't see him but he sounded non-creepy enough.
“Sure,” I said.
“You lose your group?” he asked.
“No,” I said. “I’m alone.”
“You’re not riding with anyone?”
“Nope. All alone.”
“You know these things are easier if you ride with people.”
“I don’t really care,” I said. “I’m not looking to set an Olympic record.”
“Well, I already got dropped,” he said. “I had to cut back but I’m going to try to catch up to them at the next station.”
We rode in silence for a few minutes, and then he said, “What’s with the big backpack?”
“That’s all my food and water,” I said. “I didn’t realize there’d be rest stops every 15 miles.”
“Have you ever ridden a century before?”
“Not in one shot,” I said.
“So have you been training pretty hard?”
I thought about my old bike, which for the past several weeks had been piled in pieces in Geoff’s basement. Then there was the mountain bike I was still mostly afraid ride. Truth was, since I returned from my cross-country bike tour a half year before, I hadn’t ridden more than a couple dozen times here and there. “Not really,” I said.
“So what made you decide to ride a century?”
“Cycling Utah covered my entry fee,” I said. “They want me to write an article.”
“How much do they pay you?”
“Oh, about 50 bucks an article.”
“You’re riding 100 miles for 50 bucks?”
“Yeah,” I said. “Sweet deal, huh?”
“Well, it’s more than I’m getting,” he said. “It was my brother’s plan do this. We’ve been training all spring. He has one of those training plans.”
“How’s that working out for you?”
He laughed. “I feel like crap. How are you doing?”
“Not so bad,” I said. “This is kind of relaxing, out here by the lake. But ask me that question again at mile 80.”
He moved ahead to pull for a while. He coasted beside me a few moments, checking out my bike.
“Nice bike,” he said.
“Thanks,” I said. “It’s brand new.”
“Brand new?”
“I just opened it yesterday.”
“Opened it?”
“It came in a box.”
“And you just decided the Salt Lake Century would be good inaugural ride?”
“I needed a bike,” I said. “My editor told me I’d be nuts to try this on my mountain bike.”
“I think you’re nuts to try it on a bike you’ve never ridden.”
“It’s pretty comfortable,” I said. “I like this bike.”
“What’s with the flat bar?”
“The what?”
“The handlebar.”
“Oh,” I said. “It’s a touring bike.” I sat up straight and grinned. “Built for all-day comfort. I’d rather ride far than fast.”
He laughed. “I’d rather do both.”
Not long after, he stopped at the next aid station to look for his friends. I already had a backpack full of food and water, so I just kept going. By mile 75, my gut had seized up with cramps, but I doubled over and kept going. Sweat gushed down my neck as streaks of red light shot through my blurring line of vision. My butt and hands throbbed and my legs felt like they were slowly being crushed beneath a blunt object. Through it all, Roadie kept on rolling along, carrying me farther than I ever thought I'd really be able to ride in a single push. And by mile 92, all the pain seemed to break free. A wave of peace washed over me. The final miles limped by in a happy haze.
"This is what it feels like to ride far," I thought. It occurred to me that my "Fast and Far" riding companion never passed me again. "Far and kinda fast," I smiled.
The Salt Lake Century opened up a new way of thinking for me. My cross-country bike tour showed me all the ways riding a bicycle can stretch out the distance between two points to an appealingly infinite space. The Century taught me the ways cycling can bring truly far-away spaces together, bridging a void that becomes even more meaningful en route.

Avoid anything w/ the word "race" in it. Racing and training are a waste of time. Ride, and ride lots, but for the sake of the ride, the adventure, not by some numbers that quantify what you're doing. "More smiles per hour" is a great goal. If you have to be someplace take a watch but nothing else. Once you get in the habit, wandering around is a great way to ride, and will take on a structure of its' own. But not too rigid. Fun is the goal.
ReplyDeleteNow this is why I love reading this blog. That "conversation" practically had me busting out laughing. Man, you got a great memory. Is there a close up pic of Roadie on here? I love looking at other people's bikes.
Don't take this in any creepy way or anything, but I love your blog. I can't wait to read it every day. I found it as a link on Dicky's blog. Anywho, keep it up, you are a very talented writer.
Two anonymous Steves? What are the odds? Go get you some GDR, it has to be better than working.
ReplyDeleteI was suprised when the GDR link came up...I shouldn't of been.
ReplyDeletegreat blog.....great photos
ReplyDeleteYes! Great Divide! Can't wait to hear about it... As a couples ride with Geoff?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Jeff has the legs to keep up with you? This should be very interesting. Lets try no to become Bear snack.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to follow the nect adventure.
I do my first triathlon 3 weeks a Half ironman in St Croix
You are an inspiration
I also got a new hair cut for the race. What do you think?
Hooray! I am not suprised!
ReplyDeleteGreat description of the appeal of riding the distances........
Mike In WI says
ReplyDeleteA segue story to what we all expected but still nicely done.
I wondered when you'd get around to the GDR. You'll kill them, you know.