Another stellar day today. Sean and I were able to get out for a fun hike up Gold Ridge - a little wallowing in waist-deep drifts on the way up, and a little sledding on our butts on the way back. I'm plotting another adventure, so I don't have much time to blog tonight, but I wanted to post my pictures. Bluebird sky and sparkling snow — it's like a divine, calorie-burning dessert. I'm a happy hiker.

Sean standing over Gastineau Channel. This is before the wallowing began in earnest.

The wind-drifted snow created cool ice formations.

Juneau's version of the desert.

Sean walks along Gold Ridge. I really like this photo.

The Juneau Ridge and a fog-shrouded Blackerby Ridge in the distance.

Looking toward Sheep Mountain and Clark Mountain.

This tower of unknown origin toppled over and was devoured by rime ice.

Sean brought homemade pizza, topped with asparagus, tomatoes and Yukon Gold potato slices, to snack on at the top. It wasn't even frozen yet.

As we slid down, clouds started to move in from the southwest.

Heading back down to town. Total distance was about eight miles. Total time was four hours. The waist-deep wallowing definitely slowed us down, but for the most part, it made for a relaxing morning.
For some reason, I feel a little guilty leaving it at that. Maybe I should take an "Up in Alaska" reader poll. Does anyone think I should spend more time writing and less time taking photos of mountains?
No, please continue to keep late night owl type habits. I'd be lost and wallowing in self pity if you stopped sharing your adventures. Now get back on that horse and let's ride.... as long as it takes... hopefully through Lewis and Clark National Forest, My favorite party of Montana... abandoned homesteads just waiting to be rehabbed and wild horses.... ouee let's have a rodeo of sorts... and stuff like that there.
ReplyDeleteYou have it just right as is!
ReplyDeleteHey its your blog I just want to thank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteI love the photos! They're absolutely gorgeous. They really let me feel what you you're writing about. Great writing, too, by the way.
ReplyDeleteSince you ask, sure, bring on the words.
ReplyDeleteAnd potatoes on pizza? That sounds like hippie food to me.
You have the right mix. Some days you write a little bit more but I love, love, love the photos!
ReplyDeleteI agree, you have a good mix of writing sometimes and pics with comments other times. Just keep sharing your adventures, that's all we ask.
ReplyDeleteHell no, don't cut back on taking those beautiful pictures.
ReplyDeletePerfect mix of great text and great photos; that's what makes your blog so special.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but being new to your blog, i find this are just right.
Absolutely not. Well, maybe yes so I don't feel so bad about the bleak midwest where I live. But... No. Don't stop taking photos.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are absolutely amazing! Keep them coming! Every time I look at your blog, my husband comes over just to look at the photos. I think he wants to move to Alaska now. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Whatever you post, it never disappoints.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great mix as it is right now. keep the word and pictures coming.
ReplyDeleteIf it ain't broken....
ReplyDeleteWords....pictures...whatever :-) As long as you're happy with your blog, that's all that matters.
ReplyDeleteIt's all good as far as my wife and I are concerned.
I'm a happy girl.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a very good mix and there can never be too many pictures! And it's your blog so continue the way you want. You aren't going to disappoint as I haven't seen or read a bad one yet! Love it.
ReplyDeleteI also like the mix of text and pics. But I really just wanted to say I love the fact that Sean hiked in his Xtra Tuffs. A true Alaskan!
ReplyDelete"A picture speaks a thousand words." So that means your latest blog entry is over 1100 words long! Geez, that's a lot Jill. ( :
ReplyDeleteWow, what a beautiful day!
ReplyDeleteI like a mixture of both. Some days only need pictures. Some only need words!
THe pictures are great. Your post takes me to plces I'll never see.
ReplyDeleteThe balance is good. Like all things, cycles prevail. You will write more and photograph less on other subjects. Right now, it's just stellar scenery, so keep it coming.
ReplyDeleteNo way, Jill! Keep the photos coming!
ReplyDeleteAs I melt through the beginnings of a southern-hemisphere summer, I ache (in the good way) for those mountain contrasts of snow and sunshine. You're the only way I can get them!
I've been reading your blog on and off for a while, but this is the first time I felt *compelled* to comment. No! No no no. To your question of less photos. I love your photos. Why would you say that? That's just mean.
ReplyDeleteevery picture tells a story...your text just helps put it in perspective, plus what the heck would I use for my desktop backgrounds!!!
ReplyDeleteJust keep doing what you do so well.
ReplyDeletethe photos are awesome-keep 'em coming! i read all the words, but my husband just looks at the pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone. I was starting to see less comments, so I thought maybe I've turned "boring." Not that I'm about to change my leisure activities to suit my blog. :-)
ReplyDeleteLindsay ... everyone around here hikes in Xtratufs. I just don't get it. (Says the woman with three pairs of socks and gators and cold toes)
Jill, I love you blog. The adventures with the pictures are awesome.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I have been avoiding it alot lately. The thought of winter coming makes me depressed. So reading your blog makes me depressed. Once winter comes full force to the states I'll most likely embrace it and get back to enjoying your great prose.
Jill, your blog always makes me feel better about a long winter in Alaska. My mind is adjusted now, back to thinking that it is most normal to see everything covered in snow. Summer is such an anomoly!
ReplyDeleteI think you always achieve a great balance of writing and photos, especially if viewed over a series of posts...what you are doing works, works, works!
Love the photos, writing is great.
ReplyDeleteBut I have to say, I do miss the biking posts.
The pics are part of the package - the awe inspiring package as it were. Follow your heart
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know, is--
Wowza. I was impressed with myself in college for fitting in 3-5 hour bike rides..
Do you just live VERY close to a bunch of trail heads? (Do you drive to them? ..I don't have a car.) Can you show up to work in the late afternoon/whenever you want?
Share the secrets!
Oh, and I think this has been said by others:
ReplyDeletesome posts call for more text,
others call for more photos.
Although, sometimes I wish that there would be posts of just ONE photo.. because so many beautiful photos are sometimes overwhelming! ha ha.
Have you thought about narrating a slideshow??
Less photos? LESS PHOTOS???
ReplyDeleteD:< D:<
Actually, more of both the writing and the photos would be awesome, but there are only so many hours in the day, so I think your balance is good.
But seriously. No less pictures, please. They're my Bad-Day-B-Gone.