

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

These perfect evenings

There have been 10 of them since I rolled across the U.S./Canada border into the state of Montana. I haven't missed one yet.

Monday night "intervals" up Mount Sentinal. I wait for the temperature to drop below 90, and rush full-throttle into spectacular golden light.

Reach the peak just as the last sliver of sun slips below the horizon. Cool breeze and warm sky.

Tuesday after-work ride with the Dirt Girls. We squeeze a couple hours between thunderstorms on a little mountain amusingly called Mount Jumbo.

The fast Arizona visitor wants me to take her picture with the "Big Sky," so I have her take mine.

Life is pretty OK right now.


  1. That is some beautiful country, made for bicycling.

  2. Good for you Jill. Enjoy your new begining.

  3. Awesome, Jill! I am jealous you have girls to ride with...I have almost none here in upstate NY. My bff lives in SLC whenever I visit she gets a group girl dirt ride together - it's amazing fun! Good to see you're enjoying Montana!

  4. you sound pretty okay! your photos continue to be AMAZING!

  5. Pretty cool......dare I say it-is that *sweat* on your forehead in one of those pics?

    I bet the temperature adjustment is something to get used to.

  6. You sound happy again, and your pix are still amazing. Thanks for showing us your world!

  7. If the tone of your posts are any indication, I think this was a very good move for you. Congrats on the new start.

  8. Jill...That is some pretty cool stuff. Be wary of those bears:)

  9. Love the site make-over! So very fitting! Have an amazing holiday weekend...and keep the rubber-side down! Happy Birthday America!!

  10. I love the new site.....

  11. Nice face lift (& name change) on the site! I like it.

  12. Beautiful pictures. It's sounds like your move was the right thing to do! It's great that you're so happy!
    :) liz

  13. Like the new layout. I'm sure your time in Montana will be as enjoyable (for me at least) as was your time in Alaska

  14. love the new look and jealous of your surroundings!

    Good luck with the new start!

  15. Your Little Sister SaraJuly 1, 2010 at 9:20 PM

    Love the blog makeover...we can all use a new pair of shoes every once and awhile :) Name is perfect too. I hope you are loving's my turn to come visit you.

  16. I like the new name and new look. Look forward to checking in on your Montana adventures.

  17. Oh Yeah. Jill's got a new *happy* place.

  18. Nice work on the blog make over!


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