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Me, Katie Monaco, and Lael Wilcox in Banff. It was great to hang out with these ladies before the race. I've been meaning to ask Katie how long she wore those flip-flops. |
Geez, I was starting to sound like a curmudgeon.
But I did wonder what it would be like, returning to all these places I'd been before, now that I had something of a clue. My goals for the Tour Divide still weren't completely clear to me. Last fall, when I was down with injury following the Tor des Geants and Beat signed up for the Freedom Challenge, I told him I didn't want to commit to a long race in 2015. I hoped to plan an Alaska bike tour in March and maybe a week-long backpacking trip in the Sierras or Montana while he was in South Africa. "Maybe I'll sign up for UTMB," I shrugged, because damn it, I really want to complete a loop around Mont Blanc. Alpine foot races had dragged me through a series of failures that — I have to be honest — have hurt my self esteem. Beyond that, I've thought it would be healthy to take a step back from endurance racing, and try to renew my perspective on the outdoors and adventure.
And here I was, back at the longest mountain bike race in the world. I've never made good on these promises to myself to take a step back, and true to character, I came home from Alaska and immediately signed up for the 2016 Iditarod Trail Invitational — the full thousand-mile race to Nome. This is something I've wanted so much, and been so afraid of, for so many years. I greatly admire people like Beat who have been able to jump into the Iditarod head-first, when I couldn't make the leap. A thousand snowbound miles is too long, I'd say, and I'm too weak. Struggles during the Freedom Challenge and injury during the Tor des Geants left me feeling even weaker. Then I embarked on my tour along the west coast of Alaska in a show-stopping windstorm (it brought the entire mid-pack of the Iditarod Dog Sled Race to a screeching halt.) It took me four days to cover the first 60 miles, often amid a struggle so great that I genuinely wondered if forward motion had become impossible. Why would I even dream of the race to Nome, given my sorry lack of strength?
"I'm going to need to do some serious preparation," I said to Beat. "Maybe I should ride the Tour Divide again."
The Tour Divide is obviously much, much more than a training ride. It's a soul-rending journey in the best of circumstances, and one can hardly expect the best circumstances over three weeks of near-constant motion across 2,700 miles of muddy roads, big climbs, rocky descents, remote forests and arid deserts. But the desire to begin preparing for the Iditarod planted the seed, and embarking on training rides with Beat and Liehann solidified my desire. I love to ride my bike all day long. Here was a ready-made excuse for an endurance-minded summer bike tour, on a route I enjoyed, where logistics and planning were simpler because I'd done it before.
My goals for the 2015 Tour Divide were to keep moving as much as possible, and try to finish in the 20- to 21-day range. I'd given the day-to-day strategy a fair amount of thought since my 24-day finish and 2009, and decided this would be a challenging but realistic goal. I planned to make every effort to keep the necessary 130-miles-per-day average, try to bank extra miles for inevitable setbacks, but still stop and rest for four to five hours a night to avoid falling apart. This is about as methodical as I get, but the combination of experience and a numbers-specific plan did inspire confidence. Nerves didn't really set in until after the start, as tandem racers Billy Rice and his daughter Lina led the neutral roll-out through Banff. I peeled off the peloton at the Spray River trailhead and rode up to my friends.
"I just need one more hug," I whimpered to Keith. "I feel so scared all of the sudden."
Keith indulged me for the ninety seconds it took to start at the very back of the pack. And just like that, I felt better.
As the trail wove through the forest, precipitation had become noticeably thick and white — snain. In the surrounding mountains, snowline descended nearly to the valley floor, and my thermometer had dropped to 4C. My base layer was soaked and I was not warming up. "That was dumb," I thought, and made an effort to increase my pace. Despite my cold body, I was riding a wave of joy, so happy to be moving through the world with nothing on my agenda but more miles. I munched on shelled pistachios and grinned as I stood and sprinted, then sat and soft-pedaled, shifting the pressure points on my feet and stretching my back, windmilling my arms and taking deep breaths, doing everything I thought needed to do to help my body adjust to all biking, all the time.

"This is the most amazing thing ever," I announced to the others as I downed the sickly sweet brown water. I microwaved a frozen mystery meat sandwich and purchased a large bag of nuts, a block of cheese, some energy bars, some chips, and one bag of candy. The specifics of calories may not matter too much, but I was determined to get more protein this time around.
Most of the other riders at the convenience store seemed reluctant to leave town, and there was talk of sharing rooms at the only hotel in Elkford. I had no interest in calling it a day. I felt like I was finally warming up, and was surprised when my legs balked on the climb out of the valley. "I guess I do have a hundred miles on them," I thought. Elliot caught up to me at the Josephine Falls trail, and we fumbled around for a bit, trying to discern the correct route from a maze of fading logging roads and deer trails winding through clear-cut forests. After descending a faint singeltrack, we landed in a morass of the worst death mud. Elliot and I plowed forward in good humor. "I just lubed my chain!" Elliot exclaimed with indignation, and I laughed. After a few hundred feet my bike locked up completely, but when I tried to pick it up, I couldn't because it was at least thirty pounds heavier than before.
"Argh," I'm so weak, I grumbled. I picked up a stick to scrape mud from the frame and continued shoving the locked-up wheels through sludge.
Daylight faded completely as we dropped off the muddy logging roads onto the gradual paved descent into Sparwood. Alice caught us at the highway and I soon fell off the back. I suppose that's embarrassing, as Alice was on a singlespeed, but I expected that most everyone was a faster rider than me. The road into Sparwood was choked with cars leaving some kind of Friday night event, and I was annoyed by all the traffic. I had everything I needed, so at the turnoff to town I just continued straight and quickly put the chaos behind me.

I didn't have a plan for the next stretch, but already figured I'd just ride until 1 a.m. and then set an alarm for 5 a.m. As I pedaled along the highway, shivering set in again. I amended my plan to stop shortly after the turnoff to Corbin Road, so I could crawl into my sleeping bag and get warm. Ten miles past Sparwood, I rode down a steep path and found a nice, secluded spot next to the river. Clouds had cleared out entirely, and the sky was splattered with stars. As I unrolled my bivy and tried to remember the steps to this bedtime routine, I noticed that the puddles surrounding my campsite were already glazed with ice.
"It's going to be a cold night," I thought. This realization should have made me uneasy — I was already cold, my clothes were still wet, and I was relying on a seven-year-old sleeping bag that was never rated for temperatures below freezing. My bear spray was gone and just a few minutes earlier I heard coyotes yipping. But all I felt was an encompassing sense of tranquility. I'd been on the move for 16 hours and traveled 150 miles through the Canadian Rockies, and I found what I came here to find — peace. My moving tunnel of peace.
I crawled into my sleeping bag, still shivering, and hoped I'd warm up soon. Having finally stopped long enough to relax, I realized that my throat was quite sore. Also, my lungs had a strange, scratchy feeling with I breathed.
"Damn, I hope I'm not catching a cold," I thought. But I wasn't too worried. I don't get sick all that often. Beat will catch a cold that will take him out for a week, and I'll catch the same virus, get a runny nose for a day, and move on. Little cold viruses had nothing on the challenges I was going to face in the coming weeks, and I knew it, because I'd been here before. I shrugged off my sore throat, curled into a ball, and shivered myself to sleep.
"Argh, I'm so weak".
ReplyDeleteJill, you are so NOT weak...OMG...you are the NOT WEAKEST person I know (albeit one that I've not yet had the honor to actually meet in person). Obviously you speak only of straight-up physical strength...because you are a mental GIANT! In 09 you did this race almost on a whim, and set the new women's record if I recall...24 days and some hours...that's TWENTY FOUR STRAIGHT DAYS riding your bike for a ridiculous number of hours each and every day through whatever mother nature threw your way! Pure physical strength is only a small part of events like this. There you were in this current race, riding in a freezing downpour, then death mud, yet somehow having an upbeat attitude with 2600 miles of riding still ahead of you! Everybody else is hovering inside a gas station not wanting to go on, and there YOU are talking about a horrid cup of gas station coffee like it was liquid gold! That is attitude, and you have that in spades!
I'm so excited that you are now telling your tale from the beginning! Already you have me totally sucked in, anxiously awaiting the next installment (even though we sadly know how this trip ended).
Hope your recovery is going well... it's time to let your body win it's battles.
Jill - So glad to read more of your Tour Divide experience this time around. Such good writing...can't wait to read more.
ReplyDeleteHope you are recovering well and gaining back your strength.
How many of those 152 riders did your book, at least partially, inspire to try the race for the first time?
ReplyDeleteThe impression I got was that many (most?) folks were initially inspired by the film "Ride the Divide," and then read my book later while researching the race.
DeleteThere's a movie? Watching it now on Amazon!
DeleteI followed your posts last time you rode in 2009 and am looking forward to the reading about your adventures this time.
ReplyDeleteJust a suggestion, but maybe you should add an epilogue to "Be Brave, Be Strong" that would include your most recent Tour Divide experience.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I sent you a question via email but will also include it here: Do you make more money from a person buying the paperback version of your books than the Kindle version? I'm going to purchase a copy of "Ghost Trails" and want to buy whichever gives you the larger amount of $$.
Thank you! With Ghost Trails, I actually receive about the same royalty for the paperback and eBook, even thought he eBook is only $2.99. The paperbacks are distributed by an old publisher that I commissioned in 2008, and their royalty system is fairly terrible. I've been meaning to create a new edition of Ghost Trails, but for now I'm still focusing on new projects. Thanks again!
Delete"My bear spray was gone"--does that mean it had been used up warding off bears or did you just lose it?!
ReplyDeleteThe spray tumbled out of my pack in a crash earlier in the day (the one I described on Elk Pass.) I intended to look for new bear spray in Whitefish, but admit that I never acquired another one. During the race I only saw one bear from a far distance, near Helena, so it must have been a black bear.
DeleteWhew, that's definitely a better kind of gone.
Deletehi! since youre wondering about the flip flops... i ended up wearing them a little bit more than half of the time. i usually wore my regular shoes in the morning and at night but i actually did a lot of the hike-a-bikes in the flip flops. they made the water crossings and muddy sections a little bit less of a hassle. but it just comes down to the fact that they are so damn comfortable and since i do so much commuting in them and ive brought them on every bike tour ive done so they just feel natural. by no means are they the safest choice (i never said i was a role model) but i did luck out with the weather being so warm. but still, my feet are comfortable while pedaling in them in temps as low as 45 degrees F. you wouldnt believe how many comments i got from other riders!! i never knew what to say, i dont even know that it needs an explanation anyways... after the first couple days of people wondering who this crazy girl in flip flops is, i was just like "dont believe me just watch" hahaha... i will definitely bring them next time!
ReplyDeletehi! since youre wondering about the flip flops... i ended up wearing them a little bit more than half of the time. i usually wore my regular shoes in the morning and at night but i actually did a lot of the hike-a-bikes in the flip flops. they made the water crossings and muddy sections a little bit less of a hassle. but it just comes down to the fact that they are so damn comfortable and since i do so much commuting in them and ive brought them on every bike tour ive done so they just feel natural. by no means are they the safest choice (i never said i was a role model) but i did luck out with the weather being so warm. but still, my feet are comfortable while pedaling in them in temps as low as 45 degrees F. you wouldnt believe how many comments i got from other riders!! i never knew what to say, i dont even know that it needs an explanation anyways... after the first couple days of people wondering who this crazy girl in flip flops is, i was just like "dont believe me just watch" hahaha... i will definitely bring them next time!