Winter is my favorite season. There are those who don't believe me, or who point out that I can only love winter because I spent the past five years living in a warm climate and visiting winter at my leisure, for fun, without the day-to-day cold-weather drudgery. Point taken, but I stand by my statement. I am a hopeless winter enthusiast.
When I moved to Colorado in late April, I assumed I wouldn't see winter for another six months. And that was okay, because I had a pretty good dose of winter this past season in visits to Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and two fantastic trips to Alaska. Surprisingly, except for a cold snap following a November snowstorm, I all but missed winter in Colorado during our two weekend visits in December and January. The week we closed on the house, it was 60 degrees in Boulder, and the backyard looked like this:
January 30

Yes, winter returned for a spring fling, the way she often does in her turbulent on again, off again affair with the Rockies — a blast of snow and cold before slipping out the back door, and suddenly it's 65 degrees again. Beat and I wanted to make the most of this brief reverie, but he unfortunately hurt his back while chopping wood on Thursday (or perhaps the sore back was from sleeping on an air mattress. We are still without real furniture at home.) Beat was hobbled but still got out for a short hike into Walker Ranch. These were our first views of the Boulder Creek Gorge. "This is the new Rancho!" I proclaimed, referring to an open space preserve near our apartment in California, where I did most of my running over the past five years. Rancho is not bad, but it doesn't look like this.
Beat turned around but I continued making my way around the loop, mostly hiking because of the new snow, and also because the altitude is really clamping down right now. When dragging my sea-level-acclimated body to elevations above 5,000 feet, I tend to have a honeymoon period of two to three days where I can feel the altitude, but it doesn't necessarily drag me down. By day four, the accumulating oxygen deficit seems to reach a breaking point, and I start waking up with headaches and struggling noticeably more in physical efforts. One week out seems to be the worst. At least I hope this is the worst. It gets better, right?
Anyway, a bit of headache and rasping is no reason to let this brief winter pass me by. I set out Sunday to meet a local runner who I've been in touch with for a couple of years now. She invited me on a morning run to Green Mountain, but it snowed enough overnight that I didn't feel comfortable taking the Subaru with its summer tires and California-conditioned driver down the steep, icy roads. We re-worked the plan so I could run from home and meet her on top of Green Mountain, then continue together down to town.January 30

May 1!
Haha every year, I'm somehow surprised by the April/May storms and I have no idea why-- April and May are far snowier here than February. I kinda like the late-season snow; it makes everything feel so magical!
ReplyDeleteAh, winter. Hello snow and cold, goodbye bugs and most of the tourists.
ReplyDeleteTell Beat that when he's has finished doing the classic man thing with the axe, he can get a hydraulic splitter. Way more enjoyable.
2nd the vote for the hydraulic ram splitter...chainsaw to cut the wood into splitting size pieces. The Axe is used only for lopping off the branches (tho the chainsaw makes quick work of that too).
ReplyDeleteFantastic pics, thanks for posting. You two are seriously "living the dream"!
I never get to see snow, so I always get super excited when bloggers post magical scenes like this. I can relate to euphoria. Beats face says it all.
ReplyDeleteThis sure is a fickle time of year! I'm glad you got a glimpse of winter even if it did involve cold feet.
ReplyDeleteJust browsing thru your pics again...gosh Jill...that 1 May shot is a freaking POSTCARD! That is the view from your HOUSE?? You two are SO lucky!! I'm neon green w/ envy!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! If you're ever in Boulder let me know. We could meet up for a neighborhood ride.
DeleteBoulder has some of the craziest weather, and cloud formations! No coincidence that NCAR is there. You are smart to respect the drive down Flagstaff Road, it has claimed many drivers (and cyclists).
ReplyDeleteHopefully spring is here to stay!